
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a special live bulletin
Terrorism Detroit Style

I’m Tracy Knox reporting live from Mariposa Media Pavilion in Detroit
Where just minutes ago seven masked and highly armed gunmen or should I say gun women, claiming to members of TUE have taken over the Internet media center’s control room and are airing disturbing footage of college spring breaks all over the world.

Dhejai Shokti Varimuchafukentrip leader of The Utopian Experiment has issued the demand that parents of these as she calls them, “Tuesday’s Children Gone Wild”, log into the message board and publicly offer comment to the actions of the of the teens and college student’s drunken, debauched, depraved and immoral behavior.
Shokti has sent video footage of the invasion and takeover of the facilities and is looping a recording of her demands

We have that footage now
--Switch multiple quick edits of breaking into room & taking over operations--
--House Music break beats playing in background—
--Fade sound- cut to backlit silhouetted women dressed like stylized terrorist with oddly familiar weapons- one standing forward speaks--
I am Shokti Varimuchafukentrip, leader of The Utopian Experiment a radical organization dedicated to wiping out the plague of voyeuristic fathers, greasy geezers and lecherous big brothers leering at their sisters and class mates through the peepholes of the Internet.
--Pan scene of hostages--
-- David Bowie humming intro to “Putting out Fire”--
--Cut back to Shokti--
We are armed with Subic Eau grenades, BFRB launchers, Pinatubo Tsunami Siren canons and NAWB rockets. Inside are a number of rather studious people working to bring you good wholesome entertainment and information and we’d love the chance to make a mess of all of that. If you see the face of someone you know in the upper right hand corner of the screen. You have one hour to comply.

--Volume up on “Putting out Fire” chorus—
--Return to Tracy—

Tracy Knox outside Mariposa Pavilion where we’ve established a video Chat link with Shokti, leader of TUE’s Day. Authorities are outside trying to establish negotiations as we speak. This is Commander Rick Hunter and First Commander Roy Fokker of the Robotech Defense Force. Commander Hunter, you’ve years of experience in situations similar to the one we have today, have you a plan for this one?
-Well you see Tracy this is a tricky one Shokti the leader demanded that we get Mike Clark Special Agent X  of the MaHa GoGo to come for negotiations, he agreed until he learned that he must appear on camera nude. He thought it best to call in Team Leader Mr. Anderson, former Special Operations for Sigma 6 who has left to work with G4P a Black ops underground organization
- My-My son said he’d be willing to do the job, that knuckle head said he’d love to be naked on camera in front of the world. Did I tell you that little punk got a better job than me? Yeah I’m so proud of him I-I can borrow a dollar and everything. He’s beautiful, bu-but right now we gotta save the people the people inside there that’s the priority.

We’re going back to Jason Hogan, anchor at the UCCP control desk to get some background information on both Mariposa Media and this notorious Dehjai Shokti of The Utopian Experiment. Jason, tell us what you know
--cut to anchor desk and Jason Hogan in front of a Really Nice Logo—
--Brownstudy song playing in background--
-We’ll Tracy tonight is to be the launch party for Mariposa Media’s new dance show THUMP. Detroit’s first all Internet TV show It seems that today’s effort to threaten the show’s clean content policy by demanding that it be like other Internet offerings of the music industry is brought about by a group of people that believe all the American public wants is sex and violence. The people at Mariposa contend that this show is for a global family audience and is meant to highlight other talents of people in Detroit arts and media. Shokti a former employee of Mariposa and her faction are pushing for a more reality TV feel, stating that only the Sodom and Gomorra like actions of media are going to sale and be popular to audiences. And that they are willing to back it up with violence. THUMP is ready to air in just minutes with its star studded gala fashion show, featuring a number of prominent Detroit celebrities a members of Hidden Beach Recordings and a few surprise guests. Mariposa’s Chief of staff is in that control room, hostage as we speak, screaming that he doesn’t want to see Agent X nor Mr. Anderson naked and that for no reason will THUMP change its content to suit the demands of as he calls them “Video whores”.
He says the show will go on.
We’re now going to take you live to the set of THUMP, where because of this on going threat, the location has been made secret. Tracy aren’t you to be one of the host for this program?
-Cut to Tracy outside the ORCA bus in preparation for the show.
-Yes, Jason, we’ve moved to the mobile command station parked just outside the Mariposa Media Pavilion, equipped with a high speed communications network and biodiesel generator this converted school bus runs on an earth friendly fuel called biodiesel made of used fryer grease collected from area Coney Islands and other restaurants, this bus has everything Mariposa Media needs to handle the production of THUMP incase of emergency. Let’s take a look inside
-This is Dorothy Parker, public relations executive for Detroit Urban Eco and the ORCA bus group. Dorothy, would you tell us about the inside of the command center?
- The converted school bus is a state of the art mobile media facility, complete with a DJ booth and several networked computers and refreshment center a wide screen monitor keeps a crew of up to 10 and its VIP passengers updated on all local happenings.
The passenger compartments of these wonders are made from the interior seating of conversion vans found in scrap yards, reupholstered in recycled ultra suede and hemp. The décor includes aquariums, fresh flowers, bamboo and cork, flooring, lighting fixtures and amenities by local artisans. This transport unit comfortably handles twenty four passengers. Other transports carry up to 40 people and are used to get people to local events and back to college campuses safely and a reasonable cost. Every ORCA (oil collection and recycling association) land barge has not less that three high speed wireless networks, two dedicated to onboard operations, security IDs that let validated and approved loved ones log in and know of each passenger’s drop off point and time, and one network that keeps the media network tied in, (a lot of this is paid for with advertising and product endorsement on the monitors), so that when the party is on the road the world can be there too and behind every cockpit is a small emergency medical unit. In case of city wide power loss like Detroit experienced only a few short years ago, these buses can be deployed and deliver power to parties all over Detroit. DUE and ORCA are dedicated to making Earth Friendly an attractive phrase and goal for people seeking to do business in Detroit. We’re even planning one conversion to be a mobile catering center

-Jason, so that’s how we are going to get to the show, I can see why this Periwinkle Bubbles is so determined to pull this off.
-We have another communication from Shokti, leader of TUEsday’s Child. We have shot your Precious Periwinkle Bubbles and the crew members of Mariposa Media. This is what he had to say before we blew him up

My name is Periwinkle Bubbles and right now I’m pretending to be held hostage by a bunch of women that pay their college tuitions by stripping. It is a noble calling that not everyone is willing or capable of (stripping). The seven women are friends of ours and they’re armed with water cannons, balloons and rubber band guns. Still wearing ski masks, latex bras and thongs, combat gear and claiming to fight for the right to make drunken college girls showing their tits a part of regular reality TV as opposed to reruns of the Carol Burnett Show, Julia, Wok with Yang & Bill Kennedy at the Movies, because the American public is akin to a collapsing Roman Empire. We thought they’d make entertaining Television. The reporter is Tray Knox (that’s her real name) she’s an actor and fashion model, If you pay attention you’ll notice how all of her scenes are framed like product shots.

The reason that we’re doing this is to launch our new web media network, this footage is being uploaded to every known free media server we can find. Check out the background music it’s perfectly synched with the scenes. Later on after the first airing of THUMP, we’re going to a park for a water fight. We’ll be broadcasting that too.

-Cut to Periwinkle being blasted with water balloons and collapsing
-Cut to Tracy’s reaction
-Cut to Jason’s reaction
-Cut to party scene

This is just how I see things for now
Tell me how to make this work


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