ulysses bio

I was born at New Grace Hospital, in Detroit, Michigan, May 31,1964 the city where for the greater part of my life I have livedI believe it is the job of the oldest child to preserve the families’ traditional culture paths. My family’s tradition is to be content being of no import.I am not content in my family role. I have been given vision or cursed withan over active imagination. Regardless to how anyone takes it, I’m not happy with thepresent status quo. I don’t want to be remembered, I want to do something worthremembering, challenging, surpassing being inspired by.I live in Detroit, Michigan, a place of decaying, drab, post modern, post apocalyoic,pornographicly violent depictions of love, life,& pleasure, cheap shining new things designed to fall apart, where everybody fucks and there is no dialogue, where everyone seems ashamed of sharedplaesure and intimate commuication Detroit where a silent religious, dogmatic, puritanic self centered apothy hangs in the air like the sulfuric stench of Del Ray demanding a common acceptance and active participation in the maintaining of the conditions that exsits I live in a city of dimly lit dank holesfilled with drunken escapits who’s only spoken desire is to not be here, a place like Inferno, by Dante,were the difference between making love and fucking is unknown, unstated unprepared for andcommerically abstracted by the lighting and the camera-man’s angle., a godless place,where art is just another way of reporting current events.I live in Detroit, a made for TV reality, where nothing is created, everything is rigged to just get by fora moment that never ends, where everything is adapted like the shell hermet crabs inhabitand discard once filled with too much of self.where a good time consist of becoming intoxicated recountingthe troubles of the day and releavng stress with a drunken fuck A place where thinking is a luxury andthing to be feared. Where imagination and creativity is a property of the wealthyand an enemy of relationship and the only thing that is sacred and holy is a lover’s anonymityThe one thing Detractors have in common is the ability to complainI’m no different,I am a Detroiter.Too often I ask the question, “What do you want”? and I am the recipient of viciously defensiveexpressions, that lead me to believe people are conditioned to not know and when they do knowfeel as if there is something wrong with that knowing. I know that my only true freedom isthe right to express my desires. In America that is the right to bitch and moan about the thingsthat people experience.I am a common man but I seek to better myself


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